Source code for pytrajectory.splines

import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
import scipy.sparse as sparse
from scipy.sparse.linalg import spsolve

from log import logging

from IPython import embed as IPS

[docs]class Spline(object): ''' This class provides a representation of a cubic spline function. It simultaneously enables access to the spline function itself as well as to its derivatives up to the 3rd order. Furthermore it has its own method to ensure the steadiness and smoothness conditions of its polynomial parts in the joining points. For more information see: :ref:`candidate_functions` Parameters ---------- a : float Left border of the spline interval. b : float Right border of the spline interval. n : int Number of polynomial parts the spline will be devided up into. tag : str The 'name' of the spline object. bv : dict Boundary values the spline function and/or its derivatives should satisfy. use_std_approach : bool Whether to use the standard spline interpolation approach or the ones used in the project thesis ''' def __init__(self, a=0.0, b=1.0, n=5, bv={}, tag='', use_std_approach=False, **kwargs): # there are two different approaches implemented for evaluating # the splines which mainly differ in the node that is used in the # evaluation of the polynomial parts # # the reason for this is that in the project thesis from which # PyTrajectory emerged, the author didn't use the standard approach # usually used when dealing with spline interpolation # # later this standard approach has been implemented and was intended # to replace the other one, but it turned out that when using this # standard approach some examples suddendly fail # # until this issue is resolved the user is enabled to choose between # the two approaches be altering the following attribute self._use_std_approach = use_std_approach # interval boundaries assert a < b self.a = a self.b = b # number of polynomial parts self.n = int(n) # 'name' of the spline self.tag = tag # dictionary with boundary values # key: order of the spline's derivative to which the values belong # values: the boundary values the derivative should satisfy self._boundary_values = bv # create array of symbolic coefficients self._coeffs = sp.symarray('c'+tag, (self.n, 4)) self._coeffs_sym = self._coeffs.copy() # calculate nodes of the spline self.nodes = get_spline_nodes(self.a, self.b, self.n+1, nodes_type='equidistant') self._nodes_type = 'equidistant' #nodes_type # size of each polynomial part self._h = (self.b - self.a) / float(self.n) # the polynomial spline parts # key: spline part # value: corresponding polynomial self._P = dict() for i in xrange(self.n): # create polynomials, e.g. for cubic spline: # P_i(t)= c_i_3*t^3 + c_i_2*t^2 + c_i_1*t + c_i_0 self._P[i] = np.poly1d(self._coeffs[i]) # initialise array for provisionally evaluation of the spline # if there are no values for its free parameters # # they show how the spline coefficients depend on the free coefficients self._dep_array = None #np.array([]) self._dep_array_abs = None #np.array([]) # steady flag is True if smoothness and boundary conditions are solved # --> make_steady() self._steady_flag = False # provisionally flag is True as long as there are no numerical values # for the free parameters of the spline # --> set_coefficients() self._prov_flag = True # the free parameters of the spline self._indep_coeffs = None #np.array([]) def __getitem__(self, key): return self._P[key] def _switch_approaches(self): ''' Changes the spline approach. ''' # first we create an equivalent spline which uses the # respectively other approach S = Spline(a=self.a, b=self.b, n=self.n, bv=self._boundary_values, use_std_approach=not self._use_std_approach) # solve smoothness conditions to get dependence arrays S.make_steady() # copy the attributes of the spline self._dep_array = S._dep_array self._dep_array_abs = S._dep_array_abs # compute the equivalent coefficients (all at once) switched_coeffs = _switch_coeffs(S=self, all_coeffs=True) # get the indices of the free coefficients coeff_name_split_str = ['_')[-2:] for c in S._indep_coeffs] free_coeff_indices = [(int(s[0]), int(s[1])) for s in coeff_name_split_str] # get free coeffs values switched_free_coeffs = np.array([switched_coeffs[i] for i in free_coeff_indices]) #self.set_coefficients(coeffs=switched_coeffs) self.set_coefficients(free_coeffs=switched_free_coeffs) self._use_std_approach = S._use_std_approach def _eval(self, t, d=0): ''' Returns the value of the spline's `d`-th derivative at `t`. Parameters ---------- t : float The point at which to evaluate the spline `d`-th derivative d : int The derivation order ''' # get polynomial part where t is in i = int(np.floor(t * self.n / self.b)) if i == self.n: i -= 1 if self._use_std_approach: return self._P[i].deriv(d)(t - (i)*self._h) else: return self._P[i].deriv(d)(t - (i+1)*self._h)
[docs] def f(self, t): '''This is just a wrapper to evaluate the spline itself.''' if not self._prov_flag: return self._eval(t, d=0) else: return self.get_dependence_vectors(t, d=0)
[docs] def df(self, t): '''This is just a wrapper to evaluate the spline's 1st derivative.''' if not self._prov_flag: return self._eval(t, d=1) else: return self.get_dependence_vectors(t, d=1)
[docs] def ddf(self, t): '''This is just a wrapper to evaluate the spline's 2nd derivative.''' if not self._prov_flag: return self._eval(t, d=2) else: return self.get_dependence_vectors(t, d=2)
[docs] def dddf(self, t): '''This is just a wrapper to evaluate the spline's 3rd derivative.''' if not self._prov_flag: return self._eval(t, d=3) else: return self.get_dependence_vectors(t, d=3)
@property def boundary_values(self): return self._boundary_values @boundary_values.setter def boundary_values(self, value): self._boundary_values = value
[docs] def make_steady(self): ''' Please see :py:func:`pytrajectory.splines.make_steady` ''' make_steady(S=self) self._indep_coeffs_sym = self._indep_coeffs.copy()
[docs] def differentiate(self, d=1, new_tag=''): ''' Returns the `d`-th derivative of this spline function object. Parameters ---------- d : int The derivation order. ''' return differentiate(self, d, new_tag)
[docs] def get_dependence_vectors(self, points, d=0): ''' This method yields a provisionally evaluation of the spline while there are no numerical values for its free parameters. It returns a two vectors which reflect the dependence of the spline's or its `d`-th derivative's coefficients on its free parameters (independent coefficients). Parameters ---------- points : float The points to evaluate the provisionally spline at. d : int The derivation order. ''' if np.size(points) > 1: raise NotImplementedError() t = points # determine the spline part to evaluate i = int(np.floor(t * self.n / self.b)) if i == self.n: i -= 1 if self._use_std_approach: t -= (i) * self._h else: t -= (i+1) * self._h # Calculate vector to for multiplication with coefficient matrix w.r.t. the derivation order if d == 0: tt = np.array([t*t*t, t*t, t, 1.0]) elif d == 1: tt = np.array([3.0*t*t, 2.0*t, 1.0, 0.0]) elif d == 2: tt = np.array([6.0*t, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0]) elif d == 3: tt = np.array([6.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) dep_vec =, self._dep_array[i]) dep_vec_abs =, self._dep_array_abs[i]) return dep_vec, dep_vec_abs
[docs] def set_coefficients(self, free_coeffs=None, coeffs=None): ''' This function is used to set up numerical values either for all the spline's coefficients or its independent ones. Parameters ---------- free_coeffs : numpy.ndarray Array with numerical values for the free coefficients of the spline. coeffs : numpy.ndarray Array with coefficients of the polynomial spline parts. ''' # deside what to do if coeffs is None and free_coeffs is None: # nothing to do pass elif coeffs is not None and free_coeffs is None: # set all the coefficients for the spline's polynomial parts # # first a little check if not (self.n == coeffs.shape[0]): logging.error('Dimension mismatch in number of spline parts ({}) and \ rows in coefficients array ({})'.format(self.n, coeffs.shape[0])) raise ValueError('Dimension mismatch in number of spline parts ({}) and \ rows in coefficients array ({})'.format(self.n, coeffs.shape[0])) elif not (coeffs.shape[1] == 4): logging.error('Dimension mismatch in number of polynomial coefficients (4) and \ columns in coefficients array ({})'.format(coeffs.shape[1])) # elif not (self._indep_coeffs.size == coeffs.shape[1]): # logging.error('Dimension mismatch in number of free coefficients ({}) and \ # columns in coefficients array ({})'.format(self._indep_coeffs.size, coeffs.shape[1])) # raise ValueError # set coefficients self._coeffs = coeffs # update polynomial parts for k in xrange(self.n): self._P[k] = np.poly1d(self._coeffs[k]) elif coeffs is None and free_coeffs is not None: # a little check if not (self._indep_coeffs.size == free_coeffs.size): logging.error('Got {} values for the {} independent coefficients.'\ .format(free_coeffs.size, self._indep_coeffs.size)) raise ValueError('Got {} values for the {} independent coefficients.'\ .format(free_coeffs.size, self._indep_coeffs.size)) # set the numerical values self._indep_coeffs = free_coeffs # update the spline coefficients and polynomial parts for k in xrange(self.n): coeffs_k = self._dep_array[k].dot(free_coeffs) + self._dep_array_abs[k] self._coeffs[k] = coeffs_k self._P[k] = np.poly1d(coeffs_k) else: # not sure... logging.error('Not sure what to do, please either pass `coeffs` or `free_coeffs`.') raise TypeError('Not sure what to do, please either pass `coeffs` or `free_coeffs`.') # now we have numerical values for the coefficients so we can set this to False self._prov_flag = False
[docs] def interpolate(self, fnc=None, m0=None, mn=None): ''' Determines the spline's coefficients such that it interpolates a given function. ''' points = self.nodes assert callable(fnc) if 0 and not self._use_std_approach: assert self._steady_flag # how many independent coefficients does the spline have coeffs_size = self._indep_coeffs.size # generate points to evaluate the function at # (function and spline interpolant should be equal in these) nodes = np.linspace(self.a, self.b, coeffs_size, endpoint=True) # evaluate the function fnc_t = np.array([fnc(t) for t in nodes]) dep_vecs = [self.get_dependence_vectors(t) for t in nodes] S_dep_mat = np.array([vec[0] for vec in dep_vecs]) S_dep_mat_abs = np.array([vec[1] for vec in dep_vecs]) # solve the equation system #free_coeffs = np.linalg.solve(S_dep_mat, fnc_t - S_dep_mat_abs) free_coeffs = np.linalg.lstsq(S_dep_mat, fnc_t - S_dep_mat_abs)[0] else: # compute values values = [fnc(t) for t in self.nodes] # create vector of step sizes h = np.array([self.nodes[k+1] - self.nodes[k] for k in xrange(self.nodes.size-1)]) # create diagonals for the coefficient matrix of the equation system l = np.array([h[k+1] / (h[k] + h[k+1]) for k in xrange(self.nodes.size-2)]) d = 2.0*np.ones(self.nodes.size-2) u = np.array([h[k] / (h[k] + h[k+1]) for k in xrange(self.nodes.size-2)]) # right hand site of the equation system r = np.array([(3.0/h[k])*l[k]*(values[k+1] - values[k]) + (3.0/h[k+1])*u[k]*(values[k+2]-values[k+1])\ for k in xrange(self.nodes.size-2)]) # add conditions for unique solution # boundary derivatives l = np.hstack([l, 0.0, 0.0]) d = np.hstack([1.0, d, 1.0]) u = np.hstack([0.0, 0.0, u]) if m0 is None: m0 = (values[1] - values[0]) / (self.nodes[1] - self.nodes[0]) if mn is None: mn = (values[-1] - values[-2]) / (self.nodes[-1] - self.nodes[-2]) r = np.hstack([m0, r, mn]) data = [l,d,u] offsets = [-1, 0, 1] # create tridiagonal coefficient matrix D = sparse.dia_matrix((data, offsets), shape=(self.n+1, self.n+1)) # solve the equation system sol = sparse.linalg.spsolve(D.tocsr(),r) # calculate the coefficients coeffs = np.zeros((self.n, 4)) # compute the coefficients of the interpolant if self._use_std_approach: for i in xrange(self.n): coeffs[i, :] = [-2.0/h[i]**3 * (values[i+1]-values[i]) + 1.0/h[i]**2 * (sol[i]+sol[i+1]), 3.0/h[i]**2 * (values[i+1]-values[i]) - 1.0/h[i] * (2*sol[i]+sol[i+1]), sol[i], values[i]] else: for i in xrange(self.n): coeffs[i, :] = [2.0/h[i]**3 * (values[i]-values[i+1]) + 1.0/h[i]**2 * (sol[i]+sol[i+1]), 3.0/h[i]**2 * (values[i]-values[i+1]) + 1.0/h[i] * (sol[i]+2*sol[i+1]), sol[i+1], values[i+1]] # get the indices of the free coefficients coeff_name_split_str = ['_')[-2:] for c in self._indep_coeffs_sym] free_coeff_indices = [(int(s[0]), int(s[1])) for s in coeff_name_split_str] free_coeffs = np.array([coeffs[i] for i in free_coeff_indices]) # set solution for the free coefficients #self.set_coefficients(free_coeffs=free_coeffs) return free_coeffs
[docs] def save(self): save = dict() # coeffs save['coeffs'] = self._coeffs save['indep_coeffs'] = self._indep_coeffs # dep arrays save['dep_array'] = self._dep_array save['dep_array_abs'] = self._dep_array_abs return save
[docs] def plot(self, show=True, ret_array=False): ''' Plots the spline function or returns an array with its values at some points of the spline interval. Parameters ---------- show : bool Whethter to plot the spline's curve or not. ret_array : bool Wheter to return an array with values of the spline at points of the interval. ''' if not show and not ret_array: # nothing to do here... return elif self._prov_flag: # spline cannot be plotted, because there are no numeric # values for its polynomial coefficients logging.error("There are no numeric values for the spline's\ polynomial coefficients.") return # create array of values tt = np.linspace(self.a, self.b, 1000, endpoint=True) St = [self.f(t) for t in tt] if show: try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot(tt,St) except ImportError: logging.error('Could not import matplotlib for plotting the curve.') if ret_array: return St
[docs]def get_spline_nodes(a=0.0, b=1.0, n=10, nodes_type='equidistant'): ''' Generates :math:`n` spline nodes in the interval :math:`[a,b]` of given type. Parameters ---------- a : float Lower border of the considered interval. b : float Upper border of the considered interval. n : int Number of nodes to generate. nodes_type : str How to generate the nodes. ''' if nodes_type == 'equidistant': nodes = np.linspace(a, b, n, endpoint=True) else: raise NotImplementedError() return nodes
[docs]def differentiate(spline_fnc): ''' Returns the derivative of a callable spline function. Parameters ---------- spline_fnc : callable The spline function to derivate. ''' # `im_func` is the function's id # `im_self` is the object of which `func` is the method if spline_fnc.im_func == Spline.f.im_func: return spline_fnc.im_self.df elif spline_fnc.im_func == Spline.df.im_func: return spline_fnc.im_self.ddf elif spline_fnc.im_func == Spline.ddf.im_func: return spline_fnc.im_self.dddf else: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]def make_steady(S): ''' This method sets up and solves equations that satisfy boundary conditions and ensure steadiness and smoothness conditions of the spline `S` in every joining point. Please see the documentation for more details: :ref:`candidate_functions` Parameters ---------- S : Spline The spline function object for which to solve smoothness and boundary conditions. ''' # This should be yet untouched if S._steady_flag: logging.warning('Spline already has been made steady.') return # get spline coefficients and interval size coeffs = S._coeffs h = S._h # nu represents degree of boundary conditions nu = -1 for k, v in S._boundary_values.items(): if all(item is not None for item in v): nu += 1 # now we determine the free parameters of the spline function if nu == -1: a = np.hstack([coeffs[:,0], coeffs[0,1:]]) elif nu == 0: a = np.hstack([coeffs[:,0], coeffs[0,2]]) elif nu == 1: a = coeffs[:-1,0] elif nu == 2: a = coeffs[:-3,0] # `b` is, what is not in `a` coeffs_set = set(coeffs.ravel()) a_set = set(a) b_set = coeffs_set - a_set # transfer b_set to ordered list b = sorted(list(b_set), key = lambda c: #b = np.array(sorted(list(b_set), key = lambda c: # now we build the matrix for the equation system # that ensures the smoothness conditions # get matrix dimensions --> (3.21) & (3.22) N1 = 3 * (S.n - 1) + 2 * (nu + 1) N2 = 4 * S.n # get matrix and right hand site of the equation system # that ensures smoothness and compliance with the boundary values M, r = get_smoothness_matrix(S, N1, N2) # get A and B matrix such that # # M*c = r # A*a + B*b = r # b = B^(-1)*(r-A*a) # # we need B^(-1)*r [absolute part -> tmp1] and B^(-1)*A [coefficients of a -> tmp2] #a_mat = np.zeros((N2,N2-N1)) #b_mat = np.zeros((N2,N1)) a_mat = sparse.lil_matrix((N2,N2-N1)) b_mat = sparse.lil_matrix((N2,N1)) for i,aa in enumerate(a): tmp ='_')[-2:] j = int(tmp[0]) k = int(tmp[1]) a_mat[4*j+k,i] = 1 for i,bb in enumerate(b): tmp ='_')[-2:] j = int(tmp[0]) k = int(tmp[1]) b_mat[4*j+k,i] = 1 M = sparse.csr_matrix(M) a_mat = sparse.csr_matrix(a_mat) b_mat = sparse.csr_matrix(b_mat) A = B = # do the inversion A = sparse.csc_matrix(A) B = sparse.csc_matrix(B) r = sparse.csc_matrix(r) tmp1 = spsolve(B,r) tmp2 = spsolve(B,-A) if sparse.issparse(tmp1): tmp1 = tmp1.toarray() if sparse.issparse(tmp2): tmp2 = tmp2.toarray() dep_array = np.zeros((coeffs.shape[0], coeffs.shape[1], a.size)) dep_array_abs = np.zeros_like(coeffs, dtype=float) for i,bb in enumerate(b): tmp ='_')[-2:] j = int(tmp[0]) k = int(tmp[1]) dep_array[j,k,:] = tmp2[i] dep_array_abs[j,k] = tmp1[i] tmp3 = np.eye(len(a)) for i,aa in enumerate(a): tmp ='_')[-2:] j = int(tmp[0]) k = int(tmp[1]) dep_array[j,k,:] = tmp3[i] S._dep_array = dep_array S._dep_array_abs = dep_array_abs # a is vector of independent spline coeffs (free parameters) S._indep_coeffs = a # now we are done and this can be set to True S._steady_flag = True
[docs]def get_smoothness_matrix(S, N1, N2): ''' Returns the coefficient matrix and right hand site for the equation system that ensures the spline's smoothness in its joining points and its compliance with the boundary conditions. Parameters ---------- S : Spline The spline function object to get the matrix for. N1 : int First dimension of the matrix. N2 : int Second dimension of the matrix. Returns ------- array_like The coefficient matrix for the equation system. array_like The right hand site of the equation system. ''' n = S.n h = S._h # initialise the matrix and the right hand site M = sparse.lil_matrix((N1,N2)) r = sparse.lil_matrix((N1,1)) # build block band matrix M for smoothness conditions # in every joining point if S._use_std_approach: block = np.array([[ h**3, h**2, h, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0], [3*h**2, 2*h, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0], [ 6*h, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -2.0, 0.0, 0.0]]) else: block = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, h**3, -h**2, h, -1.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -3*h**2, 2*h, -1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 6*h, -2.0, 0.0, 0.0]]) for k in xrange(n-1): M[3*k:3*(k+1),4*k:4*(k+2)] = block ## add equations for boundary values if S._use_std_approach: # for the spline function itself if S._boundary_values.has_key(0): if S._boundary_values[0][0] is not None: M[3*(n-1),0:4] = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]) r[3*(n-1)] = S._boundary_values[0][0] if S._boundary_values[0][1] is not None: M[3*(n-1)+1,-4:] = np.array([h**3, h**2, h, 1.0]) r[3*(n-1)+1] = S._boundary_values[0][1] # for its 1st derivative if S._boundary_values.has_key(1): if S._boundary_values[1][0] is not None: M[3*(n-1)+2,0:4] = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]) r[3*(n-1)+2] = S._boundary_values[1][0] if S._boundary_values[1][1] is not None: M[3*(n-1)+3,-4:] = np.array([3*h**2, 2*h, 1.0, 0.0]) r[3*(n-1)+3] = S._boundary_values[1][1] # and for its 2nd derivative if S._boundary_values.has_key(2): if S._boundary_values[2][0] is not None: M[3*(n-1)+4,0:4] = np.array([0.0, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0]) r[3*(n-1)+4] = S._boundary_values[2][0] if S._boundary_values[2][1] is not None: M[3*(n-1)+5,-4:] = np.array([6*h, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0]) r[3*(n-1)+5] = S._boundary_values[2][1] else: # for the spline function itself if S._boundary_values.has_key(0): if S._boundary_values[0][0] is not None: M[3*(n-1),0:4] = np.array([-h**3, h**2, -h, 1.0]) r[3*(n-1)] = S._boundary_values[0][0] if S._boundary_values[0][1] is not None: M[3*(n-1)+1,-4:] = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]) r[3*(n-1)+1] = S._boundary_values[0][1] # for its 1st derivative if S._boundary_values.has_key(1): if S._boundary_values[1][0] is not None: M[3*(n-1)+2,0:4] = np.array([3*h**2, -2*h, 1.0, 0.0]) r[3*(n-1)+2] = S._boundary_values[1][0] if S._boundary_values[1][1] is not None: M[3*(n-1)+3,-4:] = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]) r[3*(n-1)+3] = S._boundary_values[1][1] # and for its 2nd derivative if S._boundary_values.has_key(2): if S._boundary_values[2][0] is not None: M[3*(n-1)+4,0:4] = np.array([-6*h, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0]) r[3*(n-1)+4] = S._boundary_values[2][0] if S._boundary_values[2][1] is not None: M[3*(n-1)+5,-4:] = np.array([0.0, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0]) r[3*(n-1)+5] = S._boundary_values[2][1] return M, r
def _switch_coeffs(S, all_coeffs=False, dep_arrays=None): ''' Computes the equivalent spline coefficients for the standard case when given those of a spline using the non-standard approach, i.e. the one used in the project thesis. ''' assert not S._prov_flag # get size of polynomial intervals h = S._h # this is the difference between the spline # nodes of the two approaches if not S._use_std_approach: dh = -h else: dh = h #raise NotImplementedError('Currently can only swap to standard approach!') # this is the conversion matrix between the two approaches # # todo: how did we get it? --> docs M = np.array([[ 1., 0., 0., 0.], [ 3*dh, 1., 0., 0.], [3*dh**2, 2*dh, 1., 0.], [ dh**3, dh**2, dh, 1.]]) if all_coeffs: # compute all coeffs of the standard approach spline at once coeffs = S._coeffs switched_coeffs = else: # just compute the independent coefficients # therefore we need the dependence arrays of the spline # using the standard approach, so we create a suitable one # if they were not given if dep_arrays is None: S = Spline(a=S.a, b=S.b, n=S.n, bv=S._boundary_values, use_std_approach=not S._use_std_approach) S.make_steady() new_M = S._dep_array new_m = S._dep_array_abs else: new_M, new_m = dep_arrays old_M = S._dep_array old_m = S._dep_array_abs coeffs = S._indep_coeffs tmp = + old_m tmp = - new_m new_M_inv = np.linalg.pinv(np.vstack(new_M)) switched_coeffs = return switched_coeffs if __name__ == '__main__': from IPython import embed as IPS import matplotlib.pyplot as plt bv = {0 : [0.0, 1.0], 1 : [1.0, 0.0]} A = Spline(a=0.0, b=1.0, n=10, bv=bv, use_std_approach=True) A.make_steady() s = np.size(A._indep_coeffs) c = np.random.randint(0, 10, s) A.set_coefficients(free_coeffs=c) val0 = np.array(A.plot(show=False, ret_array=True)) A._switch_approaches() #A._switch_approaches() val1 = np.array(A.plot(show=False, ret_array=True)) diff = np.abs(val0 - val1).max() t_points = np.linspace(0., 1., len(val0)) IPS()