Source code for pytrajectory.system

import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
from scipy import sparse
import pickle
import copy
import time

from trajectories import Trajectory
from collocation import CollocationSystem
from simulation import Simulator
import auxiliary
import visualisation
from log import logging

from IPython import embed as IPS

[docs]class ControlSystem(object): ''' Base class of the PyTrajectory project. Parameters ---------- ff : callable Vector field (rhs) of the control system. a : float Left border of the considered time interval. b : float Right border of the considered time interval. xa : list Boundary values at the left border. xb : list Boundary values at the right border. ua : list Boundary values of the input variables at left border. ub : list Boundary values of the input variables at right border. constraints : dict Box-constraints of the state variables. kwargs ============= ============= ============================================================ key default value meaning ============= ============= ============================================================ sx 10 Initial number of spline parts for the system variables su 10 Initial number of spline parts for the input variables kx 2 Factor for raising the number of spline parts maxIt 10 Maximum number of iteration steps eps 1e-2 Tolerance for the solution of the initial value problem ierr 1e-1 Tolerance for the error on the whole interval tol 1e-5 Tolerance for the solver of the equation system dt_sim 1e-2 Sample time for integration (initial value problem) use_chains True Whether or not to use integrator chains sol_steps 100 Maximum number of iteration steps for the eqs solver first_guess None to initiate free parameters (might be useful: {'seed': value}) ============= ============= ============================================================ ''' def __init__(self, ff, a=0., b=1., xa=[], xb=[], ua=[], ub=[], constraints=None, **kwargs): # set method parameters self._parameters = dict() self._parameters['maxIt'] = kwargs.get('maxIt', 10) self._parameters['eps'] = kwargs.get('eps', 1e-2) self._parameters['ierr'] = kwargs.get('ierr', 1e-1) self._parameters['dt_sim'] = kwargs.get('dt_sim', 0.01) self._parameters['accIt'] = kwargs.get('accIt', 5) # create an object for the dynamical system self.dyn_sys = DynamicalSystem(f_sym=ff, a=a, b=b, xa=xa, xb=xb, ua=ua, ub=ub) # handle eventual system constraints self.constraints = constraints if self.constraints is not None: # transform the constrained vectorfield into an unconstrained one self.unconstrain(constraints) # we cannot make use of an integrator chain # if it contains a constrained variable kwargs['use_chains'] = False # TODO: implement it so that just those chains are not used # which actually contain a constrained variable # create an object for the collocation equation system self.eqs = CollocationSystem(sys=self.dyn_sys, **kwargs) # We didn't really do anything yet, so this should be false self.reached_accuracy = False
[docs] def set_param(self, param='', value=None): ''' Alters the value of the method parameters. Parameters ---------- param : str The method parameter value The new value ''' if param in {'maxIt', 'eps', 'ierr', 'dt_sim'}: self._parameters[param] = value elif param in {'n_parts_x', 'sx', 'n_parts_u', 'su', 'kx', 'use_chains', 'nodes_type', 'use_std_approach'}: if param == 'nodes_type' and value != 'equidistant': raise NotImplementedError() if param == 'sx': param = 'n_parts_x' if param == 'su': param = 'n_parts_u' self.eqs.trajectories._parameters[param] = value elif param in {'tol', 'method', 'coll_type', 'sol_steps'}: self.eqs._parameters[param] = value else: raise AttributeError("Invalid method parameter ({})".format(param))
[docs] def unconstrain(self, constraints): ''' This method is used to enable compliance with desired box constraints given by the user. It transforms the vectorfield by projecting the constrained state variables on new unconstrained ones. Parameters ---------- constraints : dict The box constraints for the state variables ''' # save constraints self.constraints = constraints # backup the original constrained system self._dyn_sys_orig = copy.deepcopy(self.dyn_sys) # get symbolic vectorfield # (as sympy matrix toenable replacement method) x = sp.symbols(self.dyn_sys.states) u = sp.symbols(self.dyn_sys.inputs) ff_mat = sp.Matrix(self.dyn_sys.f_sym(x, u)) # get neccessary information form the dynamical system a = self.dyn_sys.a b = self.dyn_sys.b boundary_values = self.dyn_sys.boundary_values # handle the constraints by projecting the constrained state variables # on new unconstrained variables using saturation functions for k, v in self.constraints.items(): # check if boundary values are within saturation limits xk = self.dyn_sys.states[k] xa, xb = self.dyn_sys.boundary_values[xk] if not ( v[0] < xa < v[1] ) or not ( v[0] < xb < v[1] ): logging.error('Boundary values have to be strictly within the saturation limits!')'Please have a look at the documentation, \ especially the example of the constrained double intgrator.') raise ValueError('Boundary values have to be strictly within the saturation limits!') # calculate saturation function expression and its derivative yk = sp.Symbol(xk) m = 4.0/(v[1] - v[0]) psi = v[1] - (v[1]-v[0])/(1. + sp.exp(m * yk)) #dpsi = ((v[1]-v[0])*m*sp.exp(m*yk))/(1.0+sp.exp(m*yk))**2 dpsi = (4. * sp.exp(m * yk))/(1. + sp.exp(m * yk))**2 # replace constrained variables in vectorfield with saturation expression # x(t) = psi(y(t)) ff_mat = ff_mat.replace(sp.Symbol(xk), psi) # update vectorfield to represent differential equation for new # unconstrained state variable # # d/dt x(t) = (d/dy psi(y(t))) * d/dt y(t) # <==> d/dt y(t) = d/dt x(t) / (d/dy psi(y(t))) ff_mat[k] /= dpsi # update boundary values for new unconstrained variable boundary_values[xk] = ( (1./m) * np.log((xa - v[0]) / (v[1] - xa)), (1./m) * np.log((xb - v[0]) / (v[1] - xb)) ) # create a callable function for the new symbolic vectorfield ff = np.asarray(ff_mat).flatten().tolist() xu = self.dyn_sys.states + self.dyn_sys.inputs _f_sym = sp.lambdify(xu, ff, modules='sympy') def f_sym(x, u): xu = np.hstack((x,u)) return _f_sym(*xu) # create a new unconstrained system xa = [boundary_values[x][0] for x in self.dyn_sys.states] xb = [boundary_values[x][1] for x in self.dyn_sys.states] ua = [boundary_values[u][0] for u in self.dyn_sys.inputs] ub = [boundary_values[u][1] for u in self.dyn_sys.inputs] self.dyn_sys = DynamicalSystem(f_sym , a, b, xa, xb, ua, ub)
[docs] def constrain(self): ''' This method is used to determine the solution of the original constrained state variables by creating a composition of the saturation functions and the calculated solution for the introduced unconstrained variables. ''' # get a copy of the current function dictionaries # (containing functions for unconstrained variables y_i) x_fnc = copy.deepcopy(self.eqs.trajectories.x_fnc) dx_fnc = copy.deepcopy(self.eqs.trajectories.dx_fnc) # iterate over all constraints for k, v in self.constraints.items(): # get symbols of original constrained variable x_k, the introduced unconstrained variable y_k # and the saturation limits y0, y1 xk = self._dyn_sys_orig.states[k] yk = self.dyn_sys.states[k] y0, y1 = v # get the calculated solution function for the unconstrained variable and its derivative y_fnc = x_fnc[yk] dy_fnc = dx_fnc[yk] # create the compositions psi_y, dpsi_dy = auxiliary.saturation_functions(y_fnc, dy_fnc, y0, y1) # put created compositions into dictionaries of solution functions self.eqs.trajectories.x_fnc[xk] = psi_y self.eqs.trajectories.dx_fnc[xk] = dpsi_dy
[docs] def solve(self): ''' This is the main loop. While the desired accuracy has not been reached, the collocation system will be set up and solved with a iteratively raised number of spline parts. Returns ------- callable Callable function for the system state. callable Callable function for the input variables. ''' T_start = time.time() # do the first iteration step"1st Iteration: {} spline parts".format(self.eqs.trajectories.n_parts_x)) try: self._iterate() except auxiliary.NanError: logging.warn("NanError") return None, None # this was the first iteration # now we are getting into the loop self.nIt = 1 while not self.reached_accuracy and self.nIt < self._parameters['maxIt']: # raise the number of spline parts self.eqs.trajectories._raise_spline_parts() if self.nIt == 1:"2nd Iteration: {} spline parts".format(self.eqs.trajectories.n_parts_x)) elif self.nIt == 2:"3rd Iteration: {} spline parts".format(self.eqs.trajectories.n_parts_x)) elif self.nIt >= 3:"{}th Iteration: {} spline parts".format(self.nIt+1, self.eqs.trajectories.n_parts_x)) # start next iteration step try: self._iterate() except auxiliary.NanError: logging.warn("NanError") return None, None # increment iteration number self.nIt += 1 # as a last, if there were any constraints to be taken care of, # we project the unconstrained variables back on the original constrained ones if self.constraints: self.constrain() self.T_sol = time.time() - T_start # return the found solution functions return self.eqs.trajectories.x, self.eqs.trajectories.u
def _iterate(self): ''' This method is used to run one iteration step. First, new splines are initialised. Then, a start value for the solver is determined and the equation system is set up. Next, the equation system is solved and the resulting numerical values for the free parameters are applied to the corresponding splines. As a last, the resulting initial value problem is simulated. ''' # Note: in pytrajectory there are Three main levels of 'iteration' # Level 3: perform one LM-Step (i.e. calculate a new set of parameters) # This is implemented in Ends when tolerances are met or # the maximum number of steps is reached # Level 2: restarts the LM-Algorithm with the last values # and stops if the desired accuracy for the initial value problem # is met or if the maximum number of steps solution attempts is reached # Level 1: increasing the spline number. # In Each step solve a nonlinear optimization problem (with LM) # Initialise the spline function objects self.eqs.trajectories.init_splines() # Get an initial value (guess) self.eqs.get_guess() # Build the collocation equations system C = G, DG = C.G, C.DG # Solve the collocation equation system new_solver = True while True: sol = self.eqs.solve(G, DG, new_solver=new_solver) # in the following iterations we want to use the same solver # object (we just had an intermediate look, whether the solution # of the initial value problem is already sufficient accurate.) new_solver = False # Set the found solution self.eqs.trajectories.set_coeffs(sol) # Solve the resulting initial value problem self.simulate() # check if desired accuracy is reached self.check_accuracy() # any of the follwing conditions ends the loop slvr = self.eqs.solver cond1 = self.reached_accuracy # following means: solver stopped not # only because of maximum stepp # number cond2 = (not slvr.cond_num_steps) or slvr.cond_abs_tol \ or slvr.cond_rel_tol cond3 = self.eqs.solver.solve_count >= self._parameters['accIt'] if cond1 or cond2 or cond3: break else: logging.debug('New attempt\n\n')
[docs] def simulate(self): ''' This method is used to solve the resulting initial value problem after the computation of a solution for the input trajectories. ''' logging.debug("Solving Initial Value Problem") # calulate simulation time T = self.dyn_sys.b - self.dyn_sys.a # get list of start values start = [] if self.constraints is not None: sys = self._dyn_sys_orig else: sys = self.dyn_sys x_vars = sys.states start_dict = dict([(k, v[0]) for k, v in sys.boundary_values.items() if k in x_vars]) ff = sys.f_num for x in x_vars: start.append(start_dict[x]) # create simulation object S = Simulator(ff, T, start, self.eqs.trajectories.u, dt=self._parameters['dt_sim']) logging.debug("start: %s"%str(start)) # start forward simulation self.sim_data = S.simulate()
[docs] def check_accuracy(self): ''' Checks whether the desired accuracy for the boundary values was reached. It calculates the difference between the solution of the simulation and the given boundary values at the right border and compares its maximum against the tolerance. If set by the user it also calculates some kind of consistency error that shows how "well" the spline functions comply with the system dynamic given by the vector field. ''' # this is the solution of the simulation a = self.sim_data[0][0] b = self.sim_data[0][-1] xt = self.sim_data[1] # get boundary values at right border of the interval if self.constraints: bv = self._dyn_sys_orig.boundary_values x_sym = self._dyn_sys_orig.states else: bv = self.dyn_sys.boundary_values x_sym = self.dyn_sys.states xb = dict([(k, v[1]) for k, v in bv.items() if k in x_sym]) # what is the error logging.debug(40*"-") logging.debug("Ending up with: Should Be: Difference:") err = np.empty(xt.shape[1]) for i, xx in enumerate(x_sym): err[i] = abs(xb[xx] - xt[-1][i]) logging.debug(str(xx)+" : %f %f %f"%(xt[-1][i], xb[xx], err[i])) logging.debug(40*"-") #if self._ierr: ierr = self._parameters['ierr'] eps = self._parameters['eps'] if ierr: # calculate maximum consistency error on the whole interval maxH = auxiliary.consistency_error((a,b), self.eqs.trajectories.x, self.eqs.trajectories.u, self.eqs.trajectories.dx, self.dyn_sys.f_num) reached_accuracy = (maxH < ierr) and (max(err) < eps) logging.debug('maxH = %f'%maxH) else: # just check if tolerance for the boundary values is satisfied reached_accuracy = max(err) < eps if reached_accuracy:" --> reached desired accuracy: "+str(reached_accuracy)) else: logging.debug(" --> reached desired accuracy: "+str(reached_accuracy)) self.reached_accuracy = reached_accuracy
[docs] def plot(self): ''' Plot the calculated trajectories and show interval error functions. This method calculates the error functions and then calls the :py:func:`visualisation.plotsim` function. ''' try: import matplotlib except ImportError: logging.error('Matplotlib is not available for plotting.') return if self.constraints: sys = self._dyn_sys_orig else: sys = self.dyn_sys # calculate the error functions H_i(t) max_con_err, error = auxiliary.consistency_error((sys.a, sys.b), self.eqs.trajectories.x, self.eqs.trajectories.u, self.eqs.trajectories.dx, sys.f_num, len(self.sim_data[0]), True) H = dict() for i in self.eqs.trajectories._eqind: H[i] = error[:,i] visualisation.plot_simulation(self.sim_data, H)
[docs] def save(self, fname=None): ''' Save data using the python module :py:mod:`pickle`. ''' save = dict.fromkeys(['sys', 'eqs', 'traj']) # system state save['sys'] = dict() save['sys']['state'] = dict.fromkeys(['nIt', 'reached_accuracy']) save['sys']['state']['nIt'] = self.nIt save['sys']['state']['reached_accuracy'] = self.reached_accuracy # simulation results save['sys']['sim_data'] = self.sim_data # parameters save['sys']['parameters'] = self._parameters save['eqs'] = save['traj'] = if fname is not None: if not (fname.endswith('.pcl') or fname.endswith('.pcl')): fname += '.pcl' with open(fname, 'w') as dumpfile: pickle.dump(save, dumpfile) return save
@property def a(self): return self.dyn_sys.a @property def b(self): return self.dyn_sys.b
[docs]class DynamicalSystem(object): ''' Provides access to information about the dynamical system that is the object of the control process. Parameters ---------- f_sym : callable The (symbolic) vector field of the dynamical system a, b : floats The initial end final time of the control process xa, xb : iterables The initial and final conditions for the state variables ua, ub : iterables The initial and final conditions for the input variables ''' def __init__(self, f_sym, a=0., b=1., xa=[], xb=[], ua=[], ub=[]): self.f_sym = f_sym self.a = a self.b = b # analyse the given system self.n_states, self.n_inputs = self._determine_system_dimensions(n=len(xa)) # set names of the state and input variables # (will be used as keys in various dictionaries) self.states = tuple(['x{}'.format(i+1) for i in xrange(self.n_states)]) self.inputs = tuple(['u{}'.format(j+1) for j in xrange(self.n_inputs)]) # init dictionary for boundary values self.boundary_values = self._get_boundary_dict_from_lists(xa, xb, ua, ub) # create a numeric counterpart for the vector field # for faster evaluation self.f_num = auxiliary.sym2num_vectorfield(f_sym=self.f_sym, x_sym=self.states, u_sym=self.inputs, vectorized=False, cse=False) def _determine_system_dimensions(self, n): ''' Determines the number of state and input variables. Parameters ---------- n : int Length of the list of initial state values ''' # first, determine system dimensions logging.debug("Determine system/input dimensions") # the number of system variables can be determined via the length # of the boundary value lists n_states = n # now we want to determine the input dimension # therefore we iteratively increase the inputs dimension and try to call # the vectorfield found_n_inputs = False x = np.ones(n_states) j = 0 while not found_n_inputs: u = np.ones(j) try: self.f_sym(x, u) # if no ValueError is raised j is the dimension of the inputs n_inputs = j found_n_inputs = True except (TypeError, ValueError): # unpacking error inside f_sym # (that means the dimensions don't match) j += 1 logging.debug("--> state: {}".format(n_states)) logging.debug("--> input : {}".format(n_inputs)) return n_states, n_inputs def _get_boundary_dict_from_lists(self, xa, xb, ua, ub): ''' Creates a dictionary of boundary values for the state and input variables for easier access. ''' # consistency check assert len(xa) == len(xb) == self.n_states #assert len(ua) == len(ub) == self.n_inputs if not ua and not ub: ua = [None] * self.n_inputs ub = [None] * self.n_inputs # init dictionary boundary_values = dict() # add state boundary values for i, x in enumerate(self.states): boundary_values[x] = (xa[i], xb[i]) # add input boundary values for j, u in enumerate(self.inputs): boundary_values[u] = (ua[j], ub[j]) return boundary_values