Constrained double integrator

This example is intended to present PyTrajectory’s capabilities on handling system constraints. To do so, consider the double integrator which models the dynamics of a simple mass in an one-dimensional space, where a force effects the acceleration. The state space representation is given by the following dynamical system.

   \dot{x_1} = x_2 \\
   \dot{x_2} = u_1

A possibly wanted trajectory is the translation from x_1(t_0 = 0) = 0 to x_1(T) = 1 within T = 2[s]. At the beginning and end the mass should stay at rest, that is x_2(0) = x_2(2) = 0.

Now, suppose we want the velocity to be bounded by x_{2,min} = 0.0 \leq x_2 \leq 0.65 = x_{2,max}. To achieve this PyTrajectory needs a dictionary containing the index of the constrained variable in x = [x_1, x_2] and a tuple with the corresponding constraints. So, normally this would look like

>>> con = {1 : [0.0, 0.65]}

But, due to how the approach for handling system constraints is implemented, this would throw an exception because the lower bound of the constraints x_{2,min} is equal to x_2(0) and has to be smaller. So instead we use the dictionary

>>> con = {1 : [-0.1, 0.65]}

Source Code

This example of the double integrator demonstrates how to pass constraints to PyTrajectory.
# imports
from pytrajectory import ControlSystem
import numpy as np

# define the vectorfield
def f(x,u):
    x1, x2 = x
    u1, = u
    ff = [x2,
    return ff

# system state boundary values for a = 0.0 [s] and b = 2.0 [s]
xa = [0.0, 0.0]
xb = [1.0, 0.0]

# constraints dictionary
con = {1 : [-0.1, 0.65]}

# create the trajectory object
S = ControlSystem(f, a=0.0, b=2.0, xa=xa, xb=xb, constraints=con, use_chains=False)

# start
x, u = S.solve()