Underactuated Manipulator

In this section, the model of an underactuated manipulator is treated. The system consists of two bars with the mass M_1 and M_2 which are connected to each other via the joint G_2. The angle between them is designated by \theta_2. The joint G_1 connects the first rod with the inertial system, the angle to the x-axis is labeled \theta_1. In the joint G_1 the actuating torque Q is applied. The bars have the moments of inertia I_1 and I_2. The distances between the centers of mass to the joints are r_1 and r_2.


The modeling was taken from the thesis of Carsten Knoll (April, 2009) where in addition the inertia parameter \eta was introduced.

   \eta = \frac{m_2 l_1 r_2}{I_2 + m_2 r_2^2}

For the example shown here, strong inertia coupling was assumed with \eta = 0.9. By partial linearization to the output y =
\theta_1 one obtains the state representation with the states x = [\theta_1, \dot{\theta}_1, \theta_2, \dot{\theta}_2]^T and the new input \tilde{u} = \ddot{\theta}_1.

   \dot{x}_1 & = & x_2 \\
   \dot{x}_2 & = & \tilde{u} \\
   \dot{x}_3 & = & x_4 \\
   \dot{x}_4 & = & -\eta x_2^2  \sin(x_3) - (1 + \eta \cos(x_3))\tilde{u}

For the system, a trajectory is to be determined for the transfer between two equilibrium positions within an operating time of T = 1.8 [s].

   x(0) = \begin{bmatrix} 0 \\ 0 \\ 0.4 \pi \\ 0 \end{bmatrix}
   x(T) = \begin{bmatrix} 0.2 \pi \\ 0 \\ 0.2 \pi \\ 0 \end{bmatrix}

The trajectory of the inputs should be without cracks in the transition to the equilibrium positions (\tilde{u}(0) = \tilde{u}(T) = 0).


Source Code

# underactuated manipulator

# import trajectory class and necessary dependencies
from pytrajectory import ControlSystem
import numpy as np
from sympy import cos, sin

# define the function that returns the vectorfield
def f(x,u):
    x1, x2, x3, x4  = x     # state variables
    u1, = u                 # input variable
    e = 0.9     # inertia coupling
    s = sin(x3)
    c = cos(x3)
    ff = np.array([         x2,
    return ff

# system state boundary values for a = 0.0 [s] and b = 1.8 [s]
xa = [  0.0,

xb = [  0.2*np.pi,

# boundary values for the inputs
ua = [0.0]
ub = [0.0]

# create trajectory object
S = ControlSystem(f, a=0.0, b=1.8, xa=xa, xb=xb, ua=ua, ub=ub)

# also alter some method parameters to increase performance
S.set_param('su', 20)
S.set_param('kx', 3)

# run iteration